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S2 licensed
Is that a cd-key I see on that first screenshot?
S2 licensed
Great work.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rettenetes HUN :( 4 éve tolom ezt a szart, de hogy ezidőalatt megtanultam kezelni egy 600 LE-s hátsókerekest úgy hogy defektig tolom bármelyik pályán érintőre, és így leszóljanak az nekem kicsit sok. Ha a videó szar, ok nem vágtam, mert nemkellett, és nem akartam olyat amiben semmi nincs, de kurvajól megvan vágva; ilyen videó van bőven; Ja nincs licencem, mert kb 5x vágtam neki, de 5. alkalommal sem tudtam többet angolul / nem is fogok és nem is akarok, mert magyar vagyok / magyarul sehol nemtalálom ezt leírva, a kártyám nemjó átutalni... -ezekután pedig biztos nem veszek licencet, mert vagy eszméletlen kevés vagyok ide, vagy sok a seggfej; akárhogyis... ilyen közösség nekem nem hiányzik. Megnézném a nagyarcok visszajátszását ilyen tuningal, mit mutatnak. )

Akinek van admin joga ezen a fórumon az legyenszives törölni a fiókomat!

Jag förstår dig precis!
S2 licensed
Thanks Powerslave. ;]
S2 licensed
I love it.
S2 licensed
Quote from FOX 1977 :Well...i cant say i like the music, and i miss the cars sounds, but the ideas were good overall.
Keep them coming.

Eheh, I wanted to make something different. ;]
Thanks. :]
S2 licensed
Quote from neRu :I watched half of it. Maybe because its my day off, but i still had alot of work to do and im very tired.

But what i saw i really liked, but not enough to keep me out of bed by now
No overusage of effects, they are really spot on, nice cameraangles, music style fits. Its a 4,5/5 in my book, could have been 5 if it where shortened a bit.

And for the record, i think this is the first movie i've seen, where i really got gobsmacked over the onboard cam's behavior in a crash with the flickering - nicely done

Thanks for the comment. Appreciate it. :]
S2 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :You cannot deny the amount of effort that went into this video, and it kept me interested for the whole 8 minutes. Lots and lots of effects were used, but most of them made sense and added to the video.

Although it has to be said, the SCC looks like a pretty rough series with plenty of crashing!

Very nice indeed.

Hehe, SCC Cup isn't as messy as it looks. Trust me. ;]
Yes, it has alot of effects. Tried to keep the effects where they belong though, and not overuse the same effect. Don't know if I managed to do that.
Anyway, I'm happy to hear that the movie entertained you. That's what's most important. :]
Thanks for the comment!
New movie: Nomine.
S2 licensed

Another racing movie from me, 8 minutes long with alot footage from a few of the races in SCC.

MQ-version - 463MB. Watch at youtube first if you wish, and if it's good enough for you just dl it.

S2 licensed
Instead of creating a new thread for it I'll just bump this one and put it here.

I made another teaser, twice as long as the first one. I would like some comments on it. :]

Youtube - Poor quality.
HQ-version - 101MB.
S2 licensed
Quote from FOX 1977 :Nice...looking good....just don't overcook with effects.

The final movie will be around 7-8 minutes long, it will contain special effects but not much of it. I do notice that it seems to be alot of effects in that teaser though, but in the long run I don't think it'll be more effects than that. Pan/crop and some flashes, maybe some waves or so. I'm more for "clean" movies as I think I've shown in my earlier work. For those few who has seen them, they know what I talk about.

Thanks for the comment Fox, appreciate it.
Teaser: Nomine.
S2 licensed
Hi. :]

A short teaser (1 minute, 10 secs) of my new, upcoming movie. Final release not decided.

Youtube - Poor quality.
HQ-version - 80MB.

S2 licensed
Wow that was... worthless.
S2 licensed
Virtual mirror - remove it. It ruins the experience.
Bad fps.
No imagination used in the camera angles/positions. The regular spectator cam isn't exactly exciting to watch. Use that and you might as well post the replay and we can watch that instead. Less work for you too.
View smoothing should be increased.
FOV needs to be adjusted at some scenes.
Oh and.. that song is holy. lol. Kraniwani used that in the movie Just racing, which happends to be one of the best, if not the best LFS racing movie of all time. I'm not saying you're not allowed to use it because of that but at least put some energy into it. That song is just going to remind most people around about "Just racing" and compare it to your vid. Which.. isn't exactly the best thing that can happen. xP

Just my opinion. The vid didn't really "cut it" for me.
S2 licensed
I had to try 3-4 times on rapidshare before I finally succeeded. I hate those cats too, one of the worst things rapidshare ever implemented.
Anyways, I watched and I must say that although it's pretty nicely done and all, it didn't exactly had "Lynce" written all over it, if you know what I mean. The sound I heard wasn't as synced to the video as I would've wished it to be, and the whole thing just didn't really match. Now, I can understand the difficulty in matching IRL sounds to video from LFS, and that it can't be done perfectly but there was some bigger mistakes in this vid that maybe could've been avoided. I'm talking about mistakes such as when you hear the car fly passed the camera but the video wasn't showing that happen. Hard for me to explain but yea.

It's a nice vid though, it's not bad work at all. I certainly couldn't have done better. But I don't think it was worth trying 3-4 times on rapidshare to see it.
S2 licensed
Great to see some footage from TR. And also it's always fun to see yourself in a vid made by others. (I'm the XFG with the yellow renault skin at 00.12, that race went straight to hell for me btw, lol.) Only "negative" thing I have to say about the vid is that it's a bit short, although there's alot of action packed into it so that makes up for it, me thinks. ;o

Good work. :]
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Tho the first 1.20 was a bit of a waste of my life.


Uh, just a few things. I can hear wind and thunder in the beginning there but the wind power stations (or whatever you call it in english) isn't rotating. Somehow that doesn't add up.
When the driver walks to his car.. is it a woman with high heels or..?
I can see a virtual mirror too I think.

Other than that I like it. I'm not a pro at making movies but I know what I want to see in a movie at least so I'm basing my criticism around that. :]
S2 licensed
Thanks guys. :]
S2 licensed
And I certainly wasn't ready for comments like these. I was expecting worse to be honest. :P
As for the camera positions, I'll work on that to my next movie. There's always space for improvement.

I'm very happy to see that you guys like it anyway. Thanks for the comments. :]
New movie: Rebirth
S2 licensed
Youtube - Very poor quality.
HQ version @ 370MB - I tried to get the file size down but also keep the quality. Of course, watch the youtube version first and if you like it, just DL it.

S2 licensed
Well, a few things.
First off, I like it. Alot. But it's more or less a regular racing video though, nothing out of the ordinary. Good presentation of the drivers in the field, at the beginning. It's not a movie filled with special effects which I like. A movie isn't about special effects, but I guess it's each to his own.
I'm also going to say what someone (BigTime I think, or however his nickname is spelled) pointed out in one of my LFS-vids. The custom cameras. There's alot of on-board cameras and also more or less a flying cam infront of the cars with some jerky movements. Increased view smoothing might fix that. There are some over-use of those cameras, and even though I like them and use that kind of camera work myself alot it doesn't seem appreciated by the crowd. More static cameras showing more action is what most people would like to see, or at least that's my perception of it all.
The yellow text you used to explain/tell what's going on was a bit annoying. I don't think that many in the audience is willing to read text about what's going on, they want to see it in the vid also.

As for the music.. haha, I love it. It's one of the better songs from the good ol' Red Alert, although it doesn't really fit a racing movie. Hearing a bunch of military guys scream and march in the background somehow doesn't seem to fit a movie dedicated to racing.

Overall it's a good vid, and as I said, I like it.
S2 licensed
New movie from the SCC race that went off last monday. (5/5)

S2 licensed
I'd like to have those 2 minutes of my life back. :<
S2 licensed
What a nice way to treat a fellow LFSer guys.

Edit: Maybe you should treat me the same way since I'm not really a famous guys around here either. ;o
S2 licensed
Nice vid. What's the name of the song you used the first 30 seconds or so?